Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Method 6

This tutorial about YouTube was fascinating!

My library has already used YouTube in a limited way. When our old library computer system was replaced last year, some younger librarians made a great, humorous video promoting the upcoming change. I still like looking at it. They also did one about ALA’s Banned Book Week that is very clever. Researching YouTube, I found they had made a couple more I wasn’t aware of.

At first, I thought I’d simply embed a YouTube video into this blog post but curiosity got the better of me and when the linked YouTube information page said most computers had a simple Windows Movie Maker, I just had to try it! Jumping in without reading anything about the software, I found it very intuitive. After uploading your video, there is a storyboard below where you can add opening titles, fancy effects, and closing credits. I even tried using a song with my first effort but thought it’d be best not to use it because of copywrite laws. It was incredibly fun to play with! It looks like you can also make a movie out of your still photos, inserting titles and descriptions and music, which I will definitely explore more.

YouTube, because of its popularity, has a great potential for creative individuals as well as libraries. I envision my library will continue to use it to reach our patrons (students) because it speaks their language. Before this exercise, I thought you needed a video camera and a fully-loaded computer with tons of video/digital editing software to produce movies, but I am thrilled you can use short movies from a digital camera and even still photos. What joy to have fun and learn at the same time!

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