Thursday, October 24, 2013

Method 7 - Next Gen Presentations

This method boldly went to the newest presentation programs. Forget Power Point. That’s old school.


First up is Prezi, a pretzel-twisting experience that will suck in your audience or leave them spinning and dizzy. It has its proponents and opponents. But, if done without too many swirling and sweeping curves can create excitement and intrigue. Reminds me of a new device television and movies used that was first dizzying and confounding—the rapid sped-up showing of multiple still shots or photographs so fast you could not discern individual photos; yet, it is commonplace now.


It would be easier to have a drop-down menu of some question you have rather than having to see the whole range in the Prezi program. But, it has lots of visuals and a swooping in and out like a movie camera so maybe it will be a hit with library patrons.


Since I’m doing this exercise much later after the initial offering, many of the links on Method 7 page don’t work anymore. But, I see Google Docs mentioned and present day has caught up; our library and campus already uses Google Docs routinely.